Are you trying to determine if some of the more popular Kirkland products from Costco are gluten-free? In this post, I put several Kirkland products to the hidden gluten test. This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosures.
If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time shopping at Costco. The membership warehouse offers many organic, healthy, and gluten-free foods. You can read my list of 22 Best Products to Buy at Costco When You’re Gluten-Free to see the products I like best.
While it’s wonderful to find so many gluten-free name brands at Costco, like Canyon Bakehouse, Crunchmaster, and Siete tortillas, I sometimes want to buy foods from Kirkland Signature, Costco’s private label.
Some Kirkland products are certified gluten-free or marked “gluten-free,” while some appear to be free from gluten because they don’t contain any notable gluten ingredients such as wheat, rye, barley, or oats.
To find out if Kirkland brand products were really gluten-free, I tested several of them for hidden gluten using my Nima Sensor, a portable gluten-detecting device that enables you to test your food for hidden gluten.
Only products that do not contain gluten ingredients (wheat, rye, barley, or oats) should be tested. To learn more bout Nima, its pros, cons, and testing limitations, read What You Need to Know About Nima Sensor Before You Buy.
Kirkland Gluten-Free Tests Revealed
Now I want to share the results of my Kirkland gluten-free tests. As mentioned, I used my Nima Sensor to test these popular Kirkland brand products at Costco for hidden gluten.
A smiley face on the Nima Sensor means the item tested gluten-free, and a wheat symbol and “Gluten Found” message means Nima found gluten.
(1) Kirkland Organic Salsa (Medium)
Results: No gluten found.
(2) Kirkland Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
Results: No gluten found.
(3) Kirkland Milk Chocolate Raisins
Results: No gluten found.
(4) Kirkland Granulated California Garlic
Results: No gluten found.
(5) Kirkland Organic Tortilla Chips
Results: No gluten found.
(6) Kirkland Organic Chicken Stock
Results: No gluten found.
(7) Kirkland Almonds
Results: No gluten found.
(8) Kirkland Basil Pesto
Results: No gluten found.
(9) Kirkland Trail Mix
Results: No gluten found.
(10) Costco Rotisserie Chicken
Results: No gluten found.
Disclaimer: All results are based on one-time tests. Lot numbers and manufacturers may differ based on where you live so these results may vary upon further testing. Ingredient labels often change, so always check, and recheck, ingredient labels before eating any of these products. By agreeing to receive this information, it is your responsibility to read labels, check products for gluten with the manufacturer and verify any information about a product before you eat it. This list is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
I haven’t tested it. Does it have any other labels or clues on the packaging? You may need to reach out to Costco. Or opt for fresh meat instead. Good luck!
Have you tested or do you know if Kirkland canned roast beef is gluten free? It lists modified food starch in the ingredients.
It is
Do you know if the Kirkland olive oil is gluten free?
I haven’t. Is it labeled GF?
have to tested Kirkland Oat milk for gluten??? yikes!
I’m not sure but bc you don’t ingest it, it should be fine. I use both with no issue.
Hello, Do you know if Kirkland brand paper towel and toilet paper is gluten free?
I haven’t tested. I’m sorry
Have you tested Kirkland Almond Milk? The label says it’s dairy, soy, etc free, but doesn’t mention gluten… thanks.
I haven’t tested but I can’t imagine salt would be an issue. You should be able to enjoy it just fine. It’s just salt, which is GF. Check label for added ingredients.
what about kirkand salt, rock salt, pink salt, Himalayan salt? are they all ok to use? my family uses the himalayan salt, and there’s 6 of us in the house, if its not ok, then before salt is added to our food i can take some out for myself and add a different salt to it
I don’t know but rum would be GF. The spice I do not know.
Do you know if the original Kirkland spice rum is gluten-free?
I have not tested them since but the info on the package will always be the most up to date info. Can you email me a picture of the label?
Have you by chance run another test on the chocolate chips? I could be wrong but I think that the last time I looked the chocolate chips contained a “processed on equipment” or “processed in a facility where” warning on it, and I assumed they were not okay. Since Costco stopped carrying the Nestle chips, I have been on the lookout for an alternative. The Nestle chips are very expensive elsewhere. Thank you in advance!
I don’t know. Have you contacted the manufacturer?
Do you know if Kirkland ibuprofen is gluten free? It says gluten free but I can’t find if it is made in a factory with other gluten products. My daughter is very sensitive and has celiacs.
I haven’t tested but I imagine pure cane sugar is GF. Is there a weird ingredient or allergen disclosure on the package?
Curious about the Kirkland Organic Sugar! Do you have any insight on this product?
Yes. Unfortunately they’re having technical difficulties and are aware of this. If you email they can help you get the discount. Good luck!
I tried the code for the discount and it didn’t work
I don’t know for sure. I did test the almonds and did not find gluten but I don’t know if all would be ok. There are no gluten ingredients as you stated.
Can you help me.? Do you know if milk chocolate raisins are GF so milk chocolate almond are GF too? In the label doesn’t say anithing about alergens o facilities with cross contamination.
Yes I tested it. It’s free from gluten.
My daughter was recently diagnosed with Celia Disease. I’m trying to find out if Kirkland’s ground cinnamon is gluten free may contain wheat. I’m wondering if you have tested it at all. I have not kind any success getting this information from Kirkland or Costco.
I see now, I just wasn’t looking and reading carefully.
It’s not a download. It’s all just listed there. Just scroll down. I used to have it as a download so that might be the confusion.
I can’t figure out how to see the report. None of the images are links and I don’t see a text link to the report. Not sure why it isn’t on the webpage like the Trader Joe’s Report was.
I’m so sorry for this trouble. I realize the way I had it set up isn’t working, so I’ve just put all the images up for everyone to see without an email wall. I hope you enjoy it now. I feel bad it was so difficult for you. -Jenny
Hardly instant, and not exactly ‘free’. After clicking 3 separate places to receive it ‘instantly’, you have to pay with your email address. I only wanted to know if one thing is gluten free; this is way too much trouble!
Jenny– hooray for the basil pesto!! I’ve been enjoying it this week but my digestion is off and I am trying to track down the culprit. SO HAPPY to know that the basil pesto is ok. It is one of my favorite Kirkland products. I literally could eat it by the spoonful. Thanks for testing these products.
I just emailed it to you
I gave a my name and email
And verified it but the report on Kirkland won’t download. Help .