Water will help to flush toxins out of your body. You'll also need to hydrate should you have diarrhea so you replenish your body's water reserves. Add lemon and ginger to settle your tummy.
Consider taking digestive enzymes, but do so cautiously. Click to read my tips for how to supplement right.
Activated charcoal is commonly used as a digestive aid due to its absorption qualities in the digestive tract. Consult your doctor.
Rest your body. Practice self-care. Eat easy-to-digest foods to rest your digestive system.
Take probiotics to build gut health and resilience. Click here to see what I recommend.
-Test your food for hidden gluten -Double check ingredient labels -Eat out with caution -Educate yourself; enroll in a gluten-free course -When in doubt, don't -Trust your gut -CLICK HERE for more tips
Visit goodforyouglutenfree.com for more tips on how to quickly recover from accidental gluten exposure.